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Organizations face a wide array of challenges in an ever-changing marketplace. For example, an organization may find itself serving fewer clients and its market share slipping from its target population.

"Marketing means running a first-rate program and letting people know about it."* Marketing can take many forms. For example, an organization's employees are marketing when they provide quality services to their clients. They are also marketing when they offer information about and refer clients to their various services. Satisfied clients, in turn, are marketing the organization when they recommend its services to their friends.

The focus of marketing is fostering exchanges. An organization exchanges something of value (services) for something that it needs (money or in-kind contributions) to continue its services. Once the managers and staff  understand that one of their goals is to exchange something of value for something they need, then they make extra efforts to create services of value for their clients and look to their clients and the community to meet some of their needs for resources and customers. Marketing helps organizations to initiate, cultivate, and nurture exchange relationships with their clients and community.

(c) Shilpa Sayura Foundation 2006-2017